There are so many tools that can be used by the teacher to teach English. I found several tools from the internet that use technology-based tools. Moreover, these tools can be used by the students too. So, let's try!


Thinglink is an education technology platform that makes it easy to augment images, video, and virtual tours with additional information and link. Through this platform, you can add images, video, audio, and also text inside the picture. You can add 360° images and videos to give students access to virtual walk-through and tour. Moreover, Thinglink offers an easy way to create audio-visual learning materials that are accessible in an integrated reading tool. Teachers can use it to teach vocabulary, listening, and reading. You can take a look at the example here.

In this platform, you can access hip-hop video explanations and creativity tools that can engage students with the lesson. You can access the video that contains vocab cards, vocab games, read & respond, quiz, lyric lab, grammar, and so on. Through this platform, students can learn English with fun.

This web provides lots of vocabulary with different categories. In addition, it provides a picture of the vocabulary with its pronunciation. There are some quizzes too, so it makes the student learn vocabulary much easier.


In this website, you can train your listening skills through filling in the lyric word while listening to the music video. There are various music videos that can be chosen. Moreover, you can adjust the level, start from beginner to advance.

2. Ello

Ello is a free English listening online library. It provides lots of audio and video clips broken down into simple lessons. Moreover, the audio or video includes its script and grammar explanation. Some quizzes are provided too to examine your listening comprehension.


VoiceThread is a learning tool where teachers or students can create, share, and comment on images, videos, documents, presentations, and others. The teacher can provide an image and ask students to comment on it using their voice. More, the teacher can provide their presentation slides with their voice-explanation.

LikeSo is an application that offers an effective way to practice speaking accurately and confidently. LikeSo provides a real-time analysis that analyzes your speech fitness and calculates a score based on the number of fillers (like, you know, umm, I mean, so, actually, and so on), so you can avoid all of them.


Dreamreader.net provides free English reading practice for learners with lots of categories. Moreover, it provides audio from the reading text. In addition, there are printable lessons & quiz, vocabulary worksheets, and audio attached in the reading practice. For example, you can click here and here.

You can create infographics, timelines, posters, presentations, mind maps, schedules, and many more on this website. You can organize your idea here. It may help you to comprehend your reading too.


StoryJumper is a website that lets students create and publish their own books. Within this website, students can share their stories in a written form. Moreover, they can add a voice-over in it. You can take a look at this example.

Write&Improve is a free tool for learners of English that marks writing in seconds. It provides practice writing English. You can look at the feedback and get your grade, then you can make changes to revise it. You can write based on the topic provided on that or you can create on your own. 


 Once you search a word on this website, you will find a video about how to pronounce it. Moreover, you can find its nearby words, the phonetic, and even tips to pronounce it.

Through this web, you can practice pronouncing the word with several categories. Once you pronounce the word, you can directly get feedback, for example, which vowel that you have to improve more.


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